Dogwood Nursery
18 Months+ Drop-Off Nursery Program
Our new Dogwood Nursery Program has been created to meet the development of the growing toddler with a gentle daily rhythm, small class sizes, and an individualized approach that introduces each child to care outside of the home.
We provide a beautiful, nature-inspired and homelike space that is child-centered and nurturing.
Led by an experienced early childhood teacher, the rhythm of the day is balanced between lively and quiet activities that reflect the child’s need for active play, and meaningful social interaction.
Please Note: Children and families entering the Nursery Program should be ready for a rapid transition into small group care as this program is designed as drop-off only with limited presence of parents/caregivers in the classroom.
Our Dogwood Nursery Program centers on hands-on activities that transform a child’s sensory experiences into an intimate knowledge of themselves, and the world around them. By participating in creative play and practical work, children develop fine and gross motor skills, social-emotional skills, and the executive functioning and concentration skills necessary for academic and social success in life.
In the Dogwood Nursery Program, there is a focus on learning practical life skills through imitation. These practical skills support children in many of the daily activities that they observe adults doing, such as chopping vegetables, stirring, sweeping the floor, folding laundry, scrubbing and polishing, and setting the table. Through imitation the children also learn to become deeply involved in their own self-care, such as dressing themselves, learning to zip, button, and snap, putting on shoes, washing their hands, and using the bathroom.
The curriculum for the year also focuses on creating a rich classroom environment full of music, with many of the transitions and changes in the day being sung, building language familiarity and knowledge. Artistic activities include painting, sensory exploration, and textile work throughout the year.
Dogwood Nursery Program Prerequisites: In order for a child to be ready to participate in our Dogwood Nursery Program, these are some developmental benchmarks we will look for:
Walking with a sturdy gait and limited support needed
Eating solid foods and beginning to self-feed
Being able to sit in a toddler size chair at a table to eat (not a highchair)
Napping once a day and able to participate in class from 8:30am - 11:00am daily (naps will occur after 11:30am)
Program Offerings
*This program is a year-long enrollment, not a drop-in program.*
Full Week Dogwood Program
18 - 24 months | 8:30am to 3:15pm | Early Dismissal 11:30am
Three-Day Dogwood Program
18 - 24 months | 8:30am to 3:15pm | Early Dismissal 11:30am
It is highly recommended that the three-days be consecutive.
Daily Rhythm
Morning Rhythm
8:30 - Welcome & free play
9:30- Morning activity
9:45 - Morning Circle time
10:00 - Morning snack
10:30- Outdoor play in the courtyard, a neighborhood walk, or play in the garden
11:00 - Dismissal for morning children
Afternoon Rhythm
11:30 - Lunch
12:00 - Nap Time (staggered based on individual children's needs)
2:00 - Indoor free play (with sensory activity)
2:45 - Afternoon snack
3:00 - Goodbye circle
3:15 - Dismissal