We believe that all children benefit from an educational environment that is heterogeneous rather than homogeneous. New Amsterdam School actively seeks to become ever more diverse in multifaceted ways, one of which is in the economic realm. We recognize that the full cost of independent school tuition is outside the realm of possibility for some families. We also acknowledge that in the East Village, our neighborhood is one that is particularly diverse socio-economically. We are committed to making a New Amsterdam School education affordable to a wide range of families, out of our desire to serve our community. To support this vision, families are expected to contribute the highest amount possible, given their circumstances.
Our full annual tuition does not cover the complete cost of a year of education at New Amsterdam School. Our programs and classes are supported by contributions from our generous donors, fundraising, and community support. Each year, families will be asked to support in these efforts to the greatest extent possible in order to support our core mission, which includes being a diverse and equitable community.
Applications for tuition assistance are completed online through TADS. New Amsterdam School endeavors to award the funds available to as many families as possible. Many aspects of a family’s circumstances are taken into consideration by TADS. Aspects not taken into consideration by TADS may be communicated in writing directly to the School Director at the time of application.