Puppetsburg x New Amsterdam School

Puppetsburg x New Amsterdam School


Interactive Puppetsburg Show: New Story Every Week! 

Puppetsburg rocks interactive, contemporary puppet shows. Join their fiery protagonist Clementine for a different story and theme each week, featuring dancing, music, bubbles, handmade puppets, simple language learning, and dress-up costumes and are fresh every time! Adventures range from “The Insect Show” to “The Time Travel Show” the "Mermaid Water Conservation Show" and more. Puppetsburg activates imaginative play, introduces basic story concepts, and plants seeds for love of theater. Their shows are both educational and full of magic. Join them for an unforgettable journey!

Perfect for 1 month- 5yrs; Sibling + semester discounts available!

Check our stories @puppetsburg to see which show is playing this week!


Please note: adults come free; tickets are only required for munchkins. only one adult per child, please.

Puppetsburg is proud to be a female artist owned and operated company that has been around for over a decade totaling over 4,000 shows! We have received a rave review in the NYTimes and Time Out NY Kids, and boast clients like Rockefeller Center, the New York Restoration Project, Bloomingdales, and Etsy to name just a few.

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